• Check the condition of the battery. Make sure that the solution is at an ample level.
  • Check for contact. Make sure that the terminals are always clean. A corroded clamp will
    have little contact on the post thus stopping current flow. Apply mineral grease or
    petroleum jelly on the terminals to prevent corrosion.
  • Check for loose clamps, terminals, and body ground.
  • Before starting the vehicle, check for unwanted load. Make sure that all accessories are
    switched “OFF”.
  • For diesel engine vehicle, maintain a good set heater plugs. A quick heating engine will be
    quick to start.
  • In the condition that the battery discharged, it must to prevent sulfating.
  • Check the charging system. The ideal volt reading is 13.4 volts to 14.4 volts for 12 volts
    system and 26.8 volts to 29.2 volts for 24 volts systems.
  • Spouting of the electrolyte solution indicates overcharging. Check the voltage regulator.
  • Boiling when the RPM increases indicates overcharging. Check the voltage regulator.
  • Frequent addition of the distilled water indicates leak or overcharging.
  • Broken and exploding cases were caused by overcharging or plugged vents.
  • Intermitting presence of power indicates loose contacts. Check terminal and body ground.
  • Sparking during installation indicates shorts or reverses polarity. Stop installation and
    check connections.
  • Presence of smoke inside the cell indicates shorted cell.
  • High specific gravity reading indicates high sulfur content in solution. Reduce the level of
    solution and add distilled water according to concentration of solution.

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