Before beginning the charging operation, read the instructions that come with the charger. Never attempt to charge a battery without first reviewing the instruction of the charger being used. In addition to the charger manufacturer’s instructions these general precautions should be allowed:
✔ Always charge batteries in a well-ventilated area and wear proper eye protection.
✔ Turn the charger and timer “OFF” before connecting the charger’s cable to the battery to avoid dangerous sparks. ✔ Never try to charge a visibly damaged or frozen battery. ✔ Connect the charger’s cable to the battery; red positive (+) cable to the positive (+) terminal and black negative (-) cable to the negative (-) terminal.
✔ Make sure that the cables to the connections are tight. ✔ Set the timer, turn the charger on, and slowly increase the charging rate until the desired ampere value is reached. ✔ If the battery becomes hot or if violent gassing or spewing of electrolytes occurs, reduce charging rate or temporarily discontinue the charge.
✔ Always turn charger “OFF” before removing the charger cables from the battery to avoid dangerous sparks.
Fully Discharged
Sulfation of batteries starts when specific gravity falls below 1.220 or voltage measures less than
1.4 volts. Sulfation hardens the battery plates reducing and eventually destroying the ability of the
battery to generate Volts and Amps.